Groundbreaking has occurred on a project that will bring a new hotel and apartments to downtown Owatonna, renovate an historic restaurant, move a current bagel shop and change the look of the streets. Several current buildings will be demolished. Downtown roads will be affected on a rolling basis.

Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism (OACCT) president Brad Meier said, “A big transformation for downtown…huge projects all at the same time. You’ve got the city doing the streetscape, hotel project – a Marriott Courtyard, restaurant renovation in the former Jerry’s (Supper Club) building. That will be a renovation, not a tear down. And then you’ve got an apartment building going up right across the street on Pearl.”

Read More: Owatonna’s Downtown Transformation Includes New Hotel |

Project Information:


The streetscape project will consist of a total reconstruction for the 100-300 blocks of Cedar Avenue that will include widening the boulevard, increasing accessibility, updating ADA requirements and sewer utility replacement.

City Engineer Kyle Skov said the streetscape’s timeline will be for construction to begin in June. and for all the street service and sidewalks to be completed by the end of 2021. He added that amenities such as lighting, benches and landscaping will be completed in spring 2022.


Developer Mac Hamilton, CEO of Hamilton Real Estate Group. will be constructing a 106-unit Marriott Courtyard hotel that will redevelop the 200 block of Cedar. The project includes the total renovation of the buildings south of the alley that contain Old Town Bagels and the former Jerry’s building, as well as the demolition of the Flooring Frenzy building. the former Bishman Insurance building and a triplex on Pearl Street.


In tandem with the hotel project, Hamilton will also be developing a 43-unit market rate apartment complex on the 100 block of East Pearl Street. Hamilton said he anticipates both projects will be completed and open to the public by June 2022.


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