Southern Minnesota’s
best known & most respected
commercial real estate firm

History of Excellence

Mac Hamilton founded Hamilton Real Estate in 1979 with Mayo Clinic as his first client and was joined by Jamey Shandley in 1989. Together they developed several build to suit warehouse facilities for IBM Corporation and, with their partners in Badger Development LLC, developed over 230 acres of farmland in northwest Rochester into commercial, residential and industrial lots. More recently Hamilton Real Estate has partnered with Peoples Electric Cooperative in the development of Oronoco Crossings along the US Highway 52 north corridor. Jamey Shandley is currently representing Hamilton Real Estate in the local leasing and marketing efforts of Industrial Realty Group (IRG) of their recently acquired 492 acre former IBM campus now known as Rochester Technology Campus. Jamey became President in 2018. In recent years Ari Kolas and Ryan Nolander have joined Hamilton Real Estate and are now Principals of the organization.

Recent News

We recently represented Industrial Realty Group on the lease to Waters Medical at the Rochester Technology Campus.

Congratulations to one of our long-time investors on their recent purchase of the newly constructed and opened Dollar Tree in Byron.

We represented Mayo Clinic in the sale if several properties located in Owatonna, Austin, and Leroy.

Our latest property developments in Minnesota.

Development Projects

Currently Leasing

Currently Leasing

Relationships, past and present, include: